Author: Admin

Erectile Dysfunction: A Typical Worldwide Issue For Men

Global Percentage of Men Suffering From Erectile Dysfunction

  • Over 30 million men in the United States of America suffer from ED.
  • 1 in 5 men in the United Kingdom, which is equal to about 4.3 million men, suffer from ED.
  • 63% of the men in Hong Kong suffer from ED.
  • 1 out of 10 men are impotent in India.
  • Around 1 million men in Australia suffer from weakness of man in bed.
  • 49% of men in Canada, are said to suffer from erectile dysfunction.
  • In China, 127 million men over the age of 40 suffer from ED.
  • 66% of the men of Qatar suffer from ED.
  • 6% of the men in Indonesia suffer from reason of weakness in man.

In general, men all over the globe suffer from ED.

Erectile Dysfunction on the Rise?

It would appear so, according to studies. The largest increase in the number of ED cases in the coming years is expected to be in South America, Asia and Africa, followed by North America and Oceania.

What is quite shocking, is that the rise in the number of ED cases, is expected to be most in South America, Asia and Africa, regions that are referred to as the ‘developing world’, a world in which healthcare systems are underfunded and not at all well developed,

Shocking Revelations about Erectile Dysfunction

As shocking as it may seem, but the reality is that studies have revealed that:

  • 5% of men who are of the age of 40, suffer from total erectile dysfunction (ED).
  • By the age of 70, almost as many as 15% men suffer from total impotence in men.
  • As far as ED which is mild and moderate goes, 50% of men in their 50s suffer from this and 60% of men in their 60s suffer from this.
  • In men who are past the age of 80, almost as high as 86% of these men suffer from male sexual impotence.
  • It is indicated that in men who are less than the age of 40, the prevalence of ED that ranges from moderate to severe, lies in the range of 2 – 26%.
  • Research was done on more than 400 men and the results showed almost 1 out of 4 erectile dysfunction cases which were new, occurred in men who were less than 40 years of age.
  • Other recent studies show that more and more young men who are less than the age of 30, suffer from ED.
  • As a man grows older, especially as he goes past the age of 65, his chances of getting ED are on the rise.
  • New studies have revealed that ED is becoming more and more prevalent in young men in their 20s and 30s.

Percentages of Age Related Erectile Dysfunction

For severe and moderate cases of ED, studies revealed the following:

  • 70-79 years of age: 36.4% and 27.9%.
  • 60-69 years of age: 15.9% and 25.9%.
  • 50-59 years of age: 6.0% and 14.0%.
  • 40-49 years of age: 1.0% and 7.6%.
  • 30-39 years of age: 0% and 2.6%.
  • 23-29 years of age: 0% and 1.8%.

Risk Factors Contributing To Erectile Dysfunction

There are some very significant risk factors that contribute to men all over the world suffering from ED and these are:

  • Chronic hepatitis
  • History of prostate operations
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Disc herniation
  • Interpersonal stress
  • Cerebral infarction
  • Hypertension
  • Heart disease
  • Age

Are Certain Men More Prone To Getting Erectile Dysfunction?

Yes there are some men who are at a higher risk of suffering from erectile dysfunction symptoms and these are:

  • Men who have heart diseases.
  • Men who are heavy smokers.
  • Men who suffer from urinary tract infections.
  • Men suffering from diabetes.
  • Men who take drugs.
  • Men who do not exercise.
  • Men who suffer from depression.
  • Men who have high cholesterol.
  • Men who have high blood pressure.
  • Men who are obese.

Just What Is Erectile Dysfunction?

One erectile dysfunction meaning is as follows:

‘The inability to reach and maintain an adequate erection to achieve satisfying sexual intercourse’.

Though it is true that ED is not life-threatening, it is also true that when a man suffers from ED, the quality of his life is affected badly, as well as that of his partners. Plus, the man who suffers from ED undergoes all kinds of fears and pressures like:

  • Relationship issues.
  • Loss of self esteem.
  • Work place problems.
  • Loss of confidence.

Is Erectile Dysfunction Age Dependant?

Yes, ED is age dependant. The older you get, the stronger are your chances of getting ED. Total ED in men at the age of 40 was 5% and this rose to 15% in men at the age of 70.

But this does not mean that you cannot get ED at a young age. New studies reveal that up to 1/3rd of young men have ED.

Is Erectile Dysfunction Medicine Available?

Yes, there are a number of medicines that are available for the treatment of ED and some of these are:

  • Oral Medicines: Tadalista, Fildena, Suhagra, Tadasoft, Filagra, Vidalista, Cenforce, Tadarise, Avaforce, Tadacip and Malegra.
  • Penile Implants.
  • Intraurethral Medications.
  • Niacin: Also called vitamin B3.
  • Vacuum Erection Devices.
  • Natural Herbs.
  • Testosterone Therapy.
  • Erectile Dysfunction Exercises.
  • Foods: Certain foods help in treating ED and these include watermelon, bananas, coffee, spinach, green onions, carrots, cherries, avocados, to name a few.
  • Penile Injections.

What Is The Main Cause Of Erectile Dysfunction?

If you are seeking the answer to this, then what you need to understand is that there is no ‘main erectile dysfunction cause’ for men all over the world, to suffer from ED. There are a number of reasons why men suffer from sexual dysfunction symptoms and some of the major reasons include psychological factors, physical factors, reduced flow of blood, use of drugs, hypogonadism, use of some kinds of medicines, urological issues, use of alcohol, issues with the functioning of blood vessels and injuries. If you want to get more detail about ED and men impotence then have a peek here: EDBalance.

The truth is, no matter what is the reason for which you are suffering from ED, you can be treated for it. As you can see, men all over the world suffer from ED and these men have various male sexual dysfunction treatment options that are available to them. By talking to a male doctor specialist, your doctor will be able to advise you as to what the best Erectile Dysfunction treatmentoption is available to you. You can also be sure of another fact, in case one treatment does not work for you, another one will or a combination of treatments will definitely work on you, to treat you for ED and ensure that you start living a healthy and normal life – sex life included! And keep in mind, though it is true that – Erectile Dysfunction: A typical worldwide issue for men, it need not be an issue for you!

Elephants Dream: Free content 3D film released to the Internet

Friday, May 19, 2006

The 3D animated short film Elephants Dream, formerly known as Project Orange, was released to the Internet yesterday. The film is available under the Creative Commons Attribution License, allowing anyone to download, modify and distribute it. The 10-minute film has been called “the first open source movie” by NewsForge. Not only is the movie itself free content, even the computer files containing the 3D models used in the film are available under the same terms.

The project was first announced one year ago and was jointly produced by the Blender Foundation and the Netherlands Media Art Institute. The film tells the story of Emo and Proog, two men trapped inside a surreal machine world. Only freely available open source software was used to create the movie. Most of the work was done using Blender, a 3D modelling and rendering tool. The Blender Foundation is selling an extended edition on DVD, which includes subtitles in 34 languages, a Making Of documentary, commentary tracks, and all files used to create the movie.

In spite of the successful completion of the project, the Blender Foundation “has no intention to grow or expand into a company or studio” according to the project website. “Instead, the Foundation aims at endorsing and supporting activities within (educational) institutes, universities and companies.”

 This story has updates See Interview with Ton Roosendaal about Elephants Dream and free content movies, May 21, 2006 
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Dying Canadian infant moved to U.S. hospital for medical treatment

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A thirteen-month-old Canadian infant dying from a unknown neurological condition was transferred Sunday night from a Canadian hospital, where he had received treatment since October 2010, to a U.S. hospital. In January, a Canadian Superior Court judge had ruled that the Canadian hospital could remove the infant’s breathing tube against the parents’ wishes and issued a do-not-resuscitate order.

‘Now that we have won the battle against the medical bureaucracy in Canada, the real work of saving Baby Joseph can begin.

According to court documents, Joseph Maraachli, known as “Baby Joseph”, has been repeatedly diagnosed as in a vegetative state with no hope of recovery after suffering an episode of “seizure activity” at age six months. At that time, an MRI showed “a reduction in brain size associated with cells dying from metabolic stress.” He stopped breathing in October and was hospitalized at Ontario’s London Health Sciences Centre (LHSC) where he remained until Sunday. A panel of five pediatric clinic and three neurology physicians subsequently concluded that “there will be no recovery and no treatment options exist for this progressive neurodegenerative disorder.”

The infant’s parents, Moe Maraachli and Sana Nader, wanted Joseph to receive a tracheotomy, which combined with mechanical breathing devices, would allow him to be transferred home, his family acting as care givers. Several years previously, the Maraachli’s daughter had died of a similar neuro-degenerative condition. They used their daughter, Zina, as an example. After doctors performed a tracheotomy on her, she returned home for several months before returning to die at the hospital. This time hospital refused to perform a tracheotomy on Joseph because there was no hope of recovery. After the judge ruled in the hospital’s favor in January, pressure against the hospital intensified and the hospital received threats.

The case has generated controversy primarily from groups such as the Terri Schiavo organization, Priests for Life (PFL), and the American Center for Law & Justice who represents the parents. The parents transferred the infant to the Cardinal Glennon Children’s Medical Center in St. Louis, Missouri to obtain a second opinion. PFL nation director, Father Pavone, traveled to Canada Sunday night to aid in the transfer. He said in a press release: “After around-the-clock negotiations, this really became a race against time.”

After successfully moving Joseph to the St. Louis hospital, Father Pavena said, “Now that we have won the battle against the medical bureaucracy in Canada, the real work of saving Baby Joseph can begin.”

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Sweden’s Crown Princess marries long-time boyfriend

Monday, June 21, 2010

Sweden’s first royal wedding since 1976 took place Saturday when Crown Princess Victoria, 32, married her long-time boyfriend and former personal trainer, Daniel Westling, 36. The ceremony took place at Stockholm Cathedral.

Over 1,200 guests, including many rulers, politicians, royals and other dignitaries from across the world, attended the wedding, which cost an estimated 20 million Swedish kronor. Victoria wore a wedding dress with five-metre long train designed by Pär Engsheden. She wore the same crown that her mother, Queen Silvia, wore on her wedding day 34 years previously, also on June 19. Victoria’s father, King Carl XVI Gustaf, walked Victoria down the aisle, which was deemed untraditional by many. In Sweden, the bride and groom usually walk down the aisle together, emphasising the country’s views on equality. Victoria met with Daniel half-way to the altar, where they exchanged brief kisses, and, to the sounds of the wedding march, made their way to the the silver altar. She was followed by ten bridesmaids. The couple both had tears in their eyes as they said their vows, and apart from fumbling when they exchanged rings, the ceremony went smoothly.

Following the ceremony, the couple headed a fast-paced procession through central Stockholm on a horse-drawn carriage, flanked by police and security. Up to 500,000 people are thought to have lined the streets. They then boarded the Vasaorden, the same royal barge Victoria’s parents used in their wedding, and traveled through Stockholm’s waters, accompanied by flyover of 18 fighter jets near the end of the procession. A wedding banquet followed in the in the Hall of State of the Royal Palace.

Controversy has surrounded the engagement and wedding between the Crown Princess and Westling, a “commoner”. Victoria met Westling as she was recovering from bulemia in 2002. He owned a chain of gymnasiums and was brought in to help bring Victoria back to full health. Westling was raised in a middle-class family in Ockelbo, in central Sweden. His father managed a social services centre, and his mother worked in a post office. When the relationship was made public, Westling was mocked as an outsider and the king was reportedly horrified at the thought of his daughter marrying a “commoner”, even though he did so when he married Silvia. Last year, Westling underwent transplant surgery for a congenital kidney disorder. The Swedish public have been assured that he will be able to have children and that his illness will not be passed on to his offspring.

Westling underwent years of training to prepare for his new role in the royal family, including lessons in etiquette, elocution, and multi-lingual small talk; and a makeover that saw his hair being cropped short, and his plain-looking glasses and clothes being replaced by designer-wear.

Upon marrying the Crown Princess, Westling took his wife’s ducal title and is granted the style “His Royal Highness”. He is now known as HRH Prince Daniel, Duke of Västergötland. He also has his own coat-of-arms and monogram. When Victoria assumes the throne and becomes Queen, Daniel will not become King, but assume a supportive role, similar to that of Prince Phillip, the husband of the United Kingdom’s Queen Elizabeth II.

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Top Exercises To Lose Your Stomach Fat

Submitted by: Brian Feeney

It seems that nowadays every other week there is some new piece of equipment coming out on the market that promises to help you lose your stomach fat. As you might suspect these get six pack abs gadgets are not enough alone to lose your fat stomach. What they do is they build muscles in your abs but they do nothing to reduce your fat in your stomach so your fat will be covering up your abs. It has been proven time and time again that spot training just does not work. In order to lose your stomach fat you can not just focus on this one area you need a whole body workout. In this article I will explore the best exercises to get rid of stomach fat quickly.

The number one exercise to get rid of stomach fat and for good health is cardiovascular exercises. Cardiovascular exercises or cardio for short are exercises that get your heart rate up. These exercise would include walking, running, swimming, jumping rope or any other exercise that increases your heart rate. This increased heart rate will not only burn many calories but will also help to speed up your metabolism. As you continue to do cardio for at least a half hour everyday you will begin to see the fat just melting away.

After cardio we rank pilates as the next best thing to lose your stomach fat. Pilates is a program that was developed by Joseph Pilates that focuses on breathing techniques with stretching using a mat or equipment. Pilates is an excellent program that really focuses on your stomach and butt regions. One of the best exercises in the pilates system to lose your stomach fat is called The Hundred. You do this exercise on a mat.


How to do the hundred:

Lie on your back with both knees bent and together, above and near your chest. Your feet are slightly higher than your knees. Inhale and exhale a couple of times to prepare your abdominals for the next step.

Inhale and reach your straightened arms up into the air, then reach them over your head, almost touching the mat. Exhale and lower your arms so that they are just above the mat on either side of your hips. Keep your head on the mat for now. (Allow your spine to curve naturally and do not try to press your vertebrae into the mat.)

Pump your arms rhythmically and gently up and down, right next to your hips, as if your are patting water. Keep the arms straight and the fingers together and reaching. Inhale every four or five pumps, then exhale in the same manner. Count each arm pump as one. Practice and you will soon be able to pump and breathe to one hundred

As you can tell these are just a couple of exercises to lose your stomach fat. You will also want to include a good diet plan to really start melting away the fat. The best diet to get rid of stomach is balance of lean meats, whole grains, fruits and vegetables.

About the Author: Brian is an author and nutritionist. He has put together an information and reviews of the best diets to Lose Your Stomach Fat. Go to his site to see which is the best diet Get Rid Of Fat



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Solar-powered airplane makes first international flight

Sunday, May 15, 2011

The solar-powered airplane Solar Impulse touched down at the Brussels National Airport late Friday night, after completing a 13-hour flight from its home base in Payerne, Switzerland. It was the first international flight by a fully solar-powered aircraft.

The experimental aircraft was piloted by André Borschberg, co-founder and chief engineer for the Solar Impulse project, which hopes to circumnavigate the globe using only the sun’s energy in 2013. “Our goal is to create a revolution in the minds of people…to promote solar energies — not necessarily a revolution in aviation,” Bertrand Piccard, the group’s other co-founder, said in an interview after the flight.

The aircraft collects energy from the sun using 12,000 extremely thin solar cells affixed to the wings and tail section. An on-board battery can store enough electricity to fly all night, allowing the Solar Impulse to stay aloft indefinitely. This allowed the aircraft to maintain a holding pattern over the Brussels airport as other flights landed and conditions were right for the Solar Impulse to land. Because the aircraft weighs only about 3,500 pounds and has a wingspan of 200 feet, it is extremely sensitive to wind and needs calm conditions to land safely.

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Apes and birds are able to plan ahead: psychologists

Friday, May 19, 2006

According to psychologists in Leipzig, Germany, apes and some birds are able to plan their actions ahead of time.

Psychologists Nicholas Mulcahy and Josep Call at Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology say that apes are able to save tools to use at a later time, that will assist them in retrieving food.

The results of the testing are “groundbreaking” and is “a starting point from which we can begin to reconstruct the evolution of the human mind. Apes and jays can also anticipate future needs by remembering past events, contradicting the notion that such cognitive behavior only emerged in hominids,” said Thomas Suddendorf, a psychologist at the University of Queensland Brisbane, Australia.

One aspect of the study is that “our extraordinary abilities of planning for the future did not evolve entirely de novo. Planning for future needs is not uniquely human,” added Suddendorf.

An experiment was performed using bonobos and orangutans. The psychologists placed the apes alone in a room for five minutes. Each of them had a choice of two tools that would allow them to retrieve food and six that would not. The apes were allowed to look at and observe the tools; however, they were not allowed to handle them.

The apes were then taken to a room next door, allowed to take whatever tools they chose, and left alone in the room for at least one hour, while a researcher removed all other tools from the first room. The apes then returned to the first room (where the food was), but the food was not accessible unless they had the right tool to retrieve it.

After repeating the same test several times with each ape, researchers began to see that most apes would begin to use the right tool for the job. Researchers also received similar results even when the apes were left alone in a room overnight where they would sleep.

To make sure that the apes were not associating the tools with the food, they removed the food from the room, but would still give it to the apes if they used the right tool to retrieve it. After this change, most of them did not bring the proper tools, which researchers say confirm that the retrieval is a way of planning for the job.

In experiments using scrub jays (found mostly in the western United States), at the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom, psychologists have shown that the birds, who usually hide their food to eat later, will hide it again if an enemy bird saw them do it the first time, unless the bird is dominant. The subordinate jay could however, fight the other for the food.

“These results suggest scrub jays remember who observed them make specific caches,” said Joanna Dally who was involved in the study with the scrub jays.

“Together with recent evidence from scrub jays, our results suggest that future planning is not a uniquely human ability, thus contradicting the notion that it emerged in hominids only with the past 2.5 to 1.6 million years,” said Mulcahy and Call in the study.

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How To Increase Sexual Stamina For Older Men}

Submitted by: Chris Chew

Older men usually lament,”How can I have sex as often as I used to have when I was a 20 year old?” This is a very common question on male sexuality. The question to ask should be “How often did you have sex when you were in your 20s?”

You see, mail sexual stamina, skills and capacities differ greatly from one man to another. However, let’s just assume that you had some pretty good sexual stamina when you were in your 20s. Then the next question would be what kind of physical shape are you in now as compared to when you were full of sexual stamina decades ago?

This is because making is an aerobic activity and for most men in their 40s and beyond, they aren’t nearly as fit and active as they used to be and this state of physical fitness do have a large implication on your sexual performances.

Ok, let’s be realistic guys. If you are in your late thirties and beyond, your heart thumps like a jackhammer when climbing up a flight of stairs, then that is definitely going to affect your sexual prowess.

Even putting your low physical fitness level aside, there is another very serious reason why some older men can’t make love as long and as often as they used to do. The reason is lack of sexual arousal.

It is a fact that many older men, being able to continuously have sex like they did when they were much younger has a lot to do with how strong a level of arousal they can keep and maintain. As a general rule of the thumb, although not exclusively, older men, especially those men who are very well seasoned sexually need to have more sexual stimulation to achieve the same level of physical arousal they had in their early twenties, even though the desire to have frequent sex is still there.

So one of the first keys to have more sexual stamina is to make sure that you are in a good physical shape and that your sex partner knows how to keep you physically aroused and not just emotionally charged up.

Therefore the best suggestion here is to start an exercise program to improve your physical health and stamina. If you are overweight, then start to losing weight as obesity is also a major cause for poor sexual stamina and erectile dysfunction.

Furthermore, a good physical workout also increases your natural production of the hormone called testosterone which is also the hormone that is largely responsible for getting your penis hard and giving you better sexual stamina.

You see, every man has a certain level of physical arousal at which they function at their best sexually. That level of arousal is unique to each and every male and to each particular sexual activity. As mentioned earlier, having great sex is a very physical activity, but due to various reasons, usually socialization issues, erroneous beliefs, bad mental programing etc., most men come into a sexual encounter way too high on the arousal scale for their own good. Can you guess what some of the symptoms of hyper arousal in a sexual context are? Yup. Erectile dysfunction and pre-mature ejaculation.

So what can you do to improve and even increase your sexual stamina? Well, the first thing is to see your doctor to rule out anything dire that is wrong with your penis and sexual organ. Your doctor will also have to assess whether your impotency or sexual dysfunction is due to blood circulation problems like high blood pressure.

After having your medical checks done, then determine whether you are in a poor physical fitness state. If you are, go get some form of cardiovascular exercise on a regular basis that is enjoyable for you. Then while you are building up and increasing your sexual stamina, go and have sex a lot. You can do that with natural male sexual penis enhacement pills that are made from natural herbs and thus are safe and do not require a doctor’s prescription to give you a gigantic boost to your sexual stamina.

Have fun, enjoy your new found sexual stamina. Way to go, Tiger.

About the Author: Chris Chew is a fitness, health and relationship consultant. Read his free articles at

Testosterone Increase Male Libido


How To Have Alpha Male Sex Appeal


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Oil spill in Gulf of Mexico reported to have reached coast; offshore drilling ban announced by Obama administration

 Correction — August 24, 2015 This article incorrectly describes BP as ‘British Petroleum’. In fact, such a company has not existed for many years as BP dropped this name when becoming a multinational company. The initials no longer stand for anything. 

Sunday, May 2, 2010

As reports came out yesterday that the oil spill caused by the explosion and sinking of an oil rig in Gulf of Mexico near Louisiana had reached the coast, the Obama administration announced a ban on all future offshore drilling at least until the investigation into the incident is completed.

Early Friday morning, the US Coast Guard received reports that oil from the spill had washed ashore, and while officials have not confirmed the reports, winds continue to push the slick northward towards land, and conditions are deteriorating, making cleanup of the spill increasingly difficult. The Coast Guard said it was planning to conduct a flyover of the slick to determine its extent sometime on Friday. According to the National Weather Service, strong winds and thunderstorms are predicted to continue through the weekend, hindering cleanup efforts.

Also early on Friday morning, a senior government official, White House advisor David Axelrod, said that the government was immediately banning all new offshore drilling until the investigation into the spill had been completed. His announcement came just after a month the administration relaxed restrictions of offshore drilling.

The operation to clean up the spill has accelerated in recent days, with the US Navy having joined the effort, as well as resources from the Coast Guard and British Petroleum (BP), the lessor of the rig at the time of the explosion. The total assets deployed in the operation are estimated to be around 1,900 people and more than 300 ships and aircraft. Additionally, six remotely operated submarines are trying to stem the leaks, which now number three, at the ocean’s floor.

On Wednesday, the estimated amount of oil spilling from the damaged well was raised to 5,000 barrels, or around 210,000 gallons, a day, five times the original estimate of 1,000 barrels a day. This figure was later revised upwards again to 25,000 barrels (1.05 million gallons) per day. So far, the cleanup operation has laid around 210,000 feet of containment booms to protect vulnerable wildlife refuges on the Gulf Coast, and an additional 66,000 feet of boom has been provided by the US Navy. Since the beginning of the operation, more than 18,000 gallons of an oil/water mix have been recovered from the ocean, and after a successful test burn of oil, plans are being made to scale the burns up. According to a BP official, “We believe we can now scale that up and burn between 500 and 1,000 barrels at a time.” The first test burned around 100 barrels of oil.

Despite the efforts, many are still worried about the potential consequences of the spill, and officials said that the damage could end up being more than that caused by the Exxon Valdez oil spill 20 years ago, which spilled 11 million gallons of oil into Alaska’s Prince William Sound. One analyst said that he expected “that movement is going to continue to stress and fatigue the pipe and create more leaks,” adding that “this is not on a good trajectory.”

BP has developed two options to stop the flow of oil at the source, but both are expected to take at least weeks to complete. The first option is to lower large structures over the leak, which would allow the oil to be safely transported to the surface. BP is building one such structure, but it isn’t expected to be completed for at least several weeks. The second option is to drill a second well which would then plug the leak at the source. A well for this purpose will begin to be drilled within two days, although it could be up to three months before the leak is completely plugged.

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China completes “mammoth” Three Gorges Dam hydro-electricity project

Saturday, May 20, 2006

The People’s Republic of China has announced the completion of an enormous dam across the Yangtze River, an important milestone for the world’s largest hydroelectric project. The official Xinhua News Agency reports the event as a “landmark in the construction of the project.”

Launched in 1993, the Three Gorges Project, including the 2,300 metre long, 185 metre high dam with 26 power generators, is being built in three phases on the middle reaches of the Yangtze River – China’s longest river. Built with over 16 million m3 of concrete, the Three Gorges Dam is considered the biggest reinforced concrete dam in the world.

The Three Gorges Reservoir is capable of holding nearly 40 billion m3 of water, including a space of 22.15 billion m3 for extra flooded water. With a length of more than 6,300 km and a natural fall of 5,400 metres from the west to the east, the flood-prone Yangtze River is the third largest in the world.

The gigantic project is expected to generate around 15 million megawatts of electricity, 84.7 billion kWh annually when the entire project is completed in 2008. But whilst proponents of the world’s largest hydropower project laud the increased electricity generation and improved flood control as benefits to China, opponents claim destruction of the environment, ruin to China’s cultural heritage – disaffecting millions of local residents.

“In my view, building the Three Gorges dam is a ridiculous and evil farce,” says dam opponent Dai Qing. “Many people have known something is wrong with the project, but few have dared to speak up,” she said. After it becomes operational, the 660km reservoir created by the dam will drown 13 towns, 4500 villages and 162 archaeological sites.

Friends of the Earth (FoE) are also strident vocal critics. “The dam is having a titanic social and environment impact,” the group said this week. “Sometimes people are being moved out by truncheon and bulldozer because they refuse to leave their home for fear of not being rehoused. Human rights violations are massive and brutal,” it said. FoE pointed to evidence that the dam was already having a serious environment impact.

FoE points to a scientific study by the East China Normal University in Shanghai, published in March in Geophysical Research, which said that in 2004, the Three Gorges dam has reduced the supply of sediment to the Yangtze delta to just 35 per cent of the norm.

Millions of tonnes of silt are drawn along the Yangtze river every year, and critics argue the dam will intercept much of it – with potentially disastrous consequences. They say the lack of sediment further downstream would lead to soil erosion, and the accumulation of sediment in the reservoir could raise the dam level, submerging even more land.

Opponents say the reservoir could fill with the accumulated garbage from tens of millions of households. The China Yangtze River Three Gorges Project Development Corp. has spent $2.5 million on a vessel to collect as much as 7 million cubic feet of garbage that accumulates at the dam each year, according to Xinhua. Some argue that the impact of the dam project will contribute to the extinction of the rare Yangtze river dolphin.

The dam project will force the relocation of a total of 1.13 million people, and communities that have lived in the area for millennia will disappear. Researchers warn sedimentation and rising water levels in the reservoir will lead to the evacuation of tens of thousands more people.

But as the waters rise, that which can not be saved will disappear along with some world famous natural scenery. Critics say the dam is under threat from earthquakes, with two geological fault lines nearby. Officials working on the project counter this by saying the worst that can happen is a tremor measuring 6.0 on the Richter scale, while the dam is built to withstand force 7.0.

“Although the dam is now complete, we still have a long way to go and cannot become self-satisfied or relax our efforts in the least,” Li Yongan, general manager of the Three Gorges Project Development Corp, said. The official China Daily in an editorial called for people to remember the more than 100 workers whom died during the dam’s construction. “The best possible way to repay such a debt of gratitude is to make sure the highest safety and quality standards are observed up till the very end of the entire building process,” the editorial said.

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