Cleaning Services

Benefit Of The Vacuum Packaging Machine

By Adrianna Noton

Vacuum packing is a method for increasing the shelf life of food by removing oxygen from the plastic container prior to sealing it. Liquids as well as dry and wet foods can be packaged in either rigid or non-rigid containers such as plastic bags, bottles and canisters. A vacuum packaging machine is used to vacuum seal plastic bags reducing the likelihood of having anaerobic organisms or fungi growing inside the packaging. This creates an oxygen poor environment for short term storage.

Dry foods can be stored for longer periods of time since there is no trace of water where the possible growth of bacteria could occur. These non-perishable foods and beverages include cereals, nuts, coffee, smoked meats and cheese. Travelers have long enjoyed the convenience of vacuum packed food where refrigeration is not required.

There are three basic types of machines that provide plastic package sealing. The chamber sealer is a commercial device used for high volume packaging. It consists of an inside chamber where the item to be sealed is placed. The lid of the chamber is closed and air is removed. The bag is sealed and the atmosphere within the chamber is returned. The lid is opened and the sealed package is ready to be removed.


A second commercial model is called the external vac sealer where the plastic bag is attached externally. These are also called clamp-type sealers because they clamp down around the outside of the bag. These machines require a special bag with air channels for drawing out the air. Practically maintenance free this home model is the most inexpensive of the models. The bags used are boilable but they are expensive.

When the external vac sealer is bought from a discount store it will probably not be able to handle sealing more than once or twice a day. Prolonged use will cause overheating. It is best to look for those models that have a fan and other cooling features incorporated into the device. This way the sealer can be used to seal a succession of items.

With summer coming to an end fresh food from the garden is ready to be harvested and stored for winter use. Gardeners interested in storing their food in oxygen-free sealed plastic bags are browsing the internet to learn more about the best models for them to consider purchasing.

One of the advantages to vacuum pouching is avoiding freezer burn. When food is not securely wrapped and gets exposed to air while in the freezer, it will create dry spots in the food. The spot will be discolored but not poisonous. Water is constantly evaporating from foods even in the freezer. When the water molecules appear at the surface of the food ice crystals will form. These spots will appear shriveled.

A vacuum packaging machine can be a very useful addition to one’s kitchen arsenal of tools. Vacuum food packaging is space saving and convenient. Choosing the model best suited to one’s needs will require time spent online researching all the viable options.

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